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Her Cowboy's Way Page 12
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Page 12
He finished with the tie and frowned into the mirror. A thick erection pressed at the front of his dress slacks. Thinking about syrup, Brandi, and wicked ideas was pure torture. If it weren’t for the surprise award she would receive tonight, he’d forget about going. But he couldn’t. Damn.
Aroused and annoyed, he glanced at the slinky red gown lying on the bed. He had a feeling he’d be sporting a hard-on most of the night, watching her in the dress, wanting to get her home and out of it. Focus! Get her in that dress and get the hell to the party!
He blew out a breath. She’d been in the bathroom all this time getting her make-up on. A woman didn’t need that much make-up, she sure didn’t. She was stalling, big time, even if she’d agreed to go. It was time to deal with this little act of rebellion. It was time to give her some incentive to get a move on, a quick message straight to her sweet butt. Something to make her bottom match her dress. Well, maybe not that red, just a bit pink.
With a glance at his watch that only served to spike his blood pressure, he knocked on the bathroom door and then opened it. Brandi stood in a lacy bra and a matching thong in front of the vanity. Good Lord! She took his breath away. It was all he could do not to take her fast and furious right here, right now. Focus, focus, focus! And not on your damn cock.
“What do you want?” She met his gaze in the mirror, looked mutinous.
That spark of defiance broke the spell over his fascination with her. “What the hell have you been doing all this time?”
She waved a mascara wand at him. “It takes time to get beautiful.”
“You were beautiful to begin with, sweetheart. You’re time-wasting.” He stepped straight to her. He’d had enough of this nonsense. People were expecting them at the ball. They needed to leave.
“Just a few more minutes,” she said, attempting to ignore him.
Catching her off guard, he put a hand to her back and bent her over the vanity cabinet. He didn’t waste another second before he landed a sharp whack on her bottom. “It’s clear you need some incentive to get ready a little faster.”
“Colby!” she squawked, squirming. “This isn’t helping.”
“You could have made the damn make-up from scratch and applied it by now.” He gave her a half dozen brisk spanks. “You’re done playing games with me.”
She looked at him in the mirror with her stubborn chin thrust out. “Is it such a big deal if we don’t go?”
Rock and a hard place, exactly where he was at the moment. She wanted a reason why it was so important to him that they attend the ball tonight, but he couldn’t tell her. “It just is, okay? We’re going.”
“I’m not in the mood for making chit-chat or dancing or….”
“Can’t you just accept I want to go tonight? That I want you there with me?” Frustration thrummed through him. Because of it and the mulish look on her face, he smacked her bottom two more times, and then felt guilty about it. “Please, sweetheart. I’ll give you a night of chocolate loving another time. Promise.”
Her bottom had moved back and now rubbed against the hard length he couldn’t seem to calm down. The defiance disappeared from her expression, replaced by desire. She purred, “How about you give me another kind of incentive to finish getting ready?”
He held himself against her, torturing them both. His body ached to drop his pants, strip her down, and slam into her. No time for this.
He shifted away, breathing hard, grim with determination. “Like burning your sweet butt with the brush?” It was sitting on the vanity next to her folded arms.
“Not what I had in mind.” She reached back to shimmy her thong down and bent over again to thrust her bottom out at him. “Come on. Just a quickie. You know you want to.”
Colby groaned. “I want to, but I sure damn can’t. Not now.”
Irritation replaced her come-hither smile, but she didn’t move.
He picked up the brush, thumbed the bristled side. He didn’t intend to use it, but she was pushing his buttons real good.
Their gazes met in the mirror. Her nostrils flared and a teasing smile slipped into place. “Bet you can’t stop at just one,” she challenged him.
“Lord a’ mighty, Brandi Lynn, you’re in a weird mood tonight.” He gave her a crooked grin as she continued to watch him. Then he swatted her already light pink butt. It wasn’t a hard swat, but enough to sting a bit.
She sucked in a breath. All he’d done was light the fire of her obvious arousal. She wiggled her ass at him. “Sure you don’t want to….”
He swatted her two more times, a bit harder, and tossed the brush on the counter. “Of course I want to, but I’m not going to!” He tried to settle his heart beat down, relax his raging erection. “If you want a real paddling later, though, I’ll give you one.”
“Thanks, but no thanks,” she grumbled, and pulled her thong back into place as she straightened. Then she smiled at him. “Nice little burn you started. Not what I wanted it, but okay.”
Regretting what couldn’t happen, he glanced at his watch again. Nope, no time. “Five minutes, Brandi Lynn. Be ready in five minutes or I will burn your ass before the party.”
All in all Brandi’s mood continued to bounce all over the place as they drove to the VFW Hall in Hinkley. Colby was his usual silent self while driving. But she was okay with that. It gave her time to admire her breath-taking husband in his dark, Western-cut suit, with his freshly shaved face and those sexy lips she intended to spend time kissing later.
She turned to look out the side window at the passing landscape without seeing it. What was with her today? She’d been excited about this ball when they’d first sent in their RSVP. Tonight, though, spending the evening inside snuggling and loving had called to her more than showing off her new dress. Talking about playing around with creative uses of chocolate syrup had brought out the hot-mama side of her. And, oh yes, she was hot tonight.
They turned down Main Street and her thoughts shifted to her agreement to come tonight. She’d agreed because it seemed so important to Colby, which was strange. Any other time, he hated putting on a suit, although he didn’t mind coming to a Cattleman’s Club function. But when she’d gone to the bathroom to put on her make-up, her mind had wandered to more fun things they could have been doing. Then he’d barged in on her and spanked her a bit out of pure frustration with her slowness. He was right, she knew how to “push his buttons” sometimes.
She squirmed on the seat, feeling a tiny bit of sting now. Those few smacks had driven her desire for sex higher. She’d even teased him about paddling her with the brush! How nuts was that? Then he’d swatted her a few times. Not hard, only enough to stoke her fires even more. But she sure didn’t want a real paddling like he’d threatened, though she doubted he meant it. She squirmed again, from the heat building inside her, not from discomfort after the almost-nothing spanking.
He pulled into the parking lot and found a space, then turned off the truck, looking relieved they’d gotten there. He climbed out and sped around to help her.
“You ready to behave yourself, sweetheart?” He gave her a crooked grin and she noted the heat lingering in his eyes. He was thinking about when they got home, really thinking about it. She could tell.
“For a while, but later….” She gave him a saucy smile. She let him help her down, making sure she brushed against him as she stood in front of him. “I’m still thinking about chocolate.” She licked her lips for good measure, pleased when he groaned.
He moved away so they weren’t touching. “You’re an evil woman tonight.”
Pleased with herself and teasing him, she started toward the Hall’s front door. “Got that right, cowboy. And I’ll show you later just how evil I can be.”
It took him a minute to catch up with her. They stopped to leave their coats in the coat-check room and then he held onto her elbow to lead her to the already packed main room. The local favorite country band was hard at it. Loud, peppy music filled the ha
ll. Now that she was here, she wanted to head out to the dance floor.
Before she could urge Colby there, though, her brother and father walked over to them.
“Looking good, Sis,” her brother Daniel said, then nodded across the room to where his wife was visiting with a couple of women. “Almost as good as Patty.”
“I thought you’d be here earlier,” her father added. He raised a curious eyebrow at Colby. “Problems at the ranch?”
“My wife all of a sudden was reluctant to come tonight.”
“Glad you could convince her, son. People would have been real disappointed if you two hadn’t come.”
Her father shifted his focus to her, frowning. He looked toward her bottom. “Hope whatever it took to convince you to come won’t spoil your night.”
Brandi’s face heated. It annoyed her that he knew her husband sometimes spanked her. At least he hadn’t come right out and asked if he’d done that.
Colby sensed her discomfort with the unspoken subject. He gave his father-in-law a disapproving look. “It didn’t take much convincing. She wanted to show off this new dress of hers. And I think it’s damn hot.” He winked at her, adding in a husky tone, “Dammmm hot.”
She preened at his compliment, feeling better already. “I’m going over to say hello to Patty and get some punch.”
“Just watch it on the spiked punch,” he said.
“Okay.” She walked away wondering what that was about. He didn’t like her to get flat-out drunk—which she didn’t like either—but most of the time he didn’t care if she got a little tipsy. She had a strange feeling something was going on that she didn’t know about. Whatever it was must have to do with how much he wanted her to come tonight. What the heck is going on?
From his place within a small group of his ranching neighbors, Colby kept a close watch on his wife. She was back in her partying mood, thank God. She’d been wandering around the hall visiting with their neighbors, with their friends, and with her clients. That warm smile he so loved to see had returned and she flashed it at everyone. He was ready for the evening to end so she could flash her smile just for him.
She must have sensed him watching her and she met his gaze across the crowded room. With a hint of an ornery look, she finished off a cup of spiked punch and tipped the empty cup at him. That was her third cup in the last hour. She was playing with him, and starting to get a tad tipsy, too. She’d wobbled on her heels a minute ago. Good thing it was almost time for the special announcement.
“That wife of yours sure is sure looking good tonight,” Henry Johnson, the president of the Cattleman’s Club, said as he walked up and patted Colby on the shoulder. “Not a man here who hasn’t noticed.”
Colby was all too aware of that fact. Not only had she been flitting around the hall talking with people, but also she’d two-stepped and twirled with a half dozen rancher friends of his. He’d fought back the desire to take a spin with her on the dance floor, too. Except he was afraid if he touched her, he’d get all aroused again. Wrong time, wrong place.
“I’ve been watching them all, giving someone a warning look now and then.” He wasn’t jealous, just damn pleased she belonged to him. He looked at Henry. “Isn’t it time for the announcement?”
The older man grinned. “So proud you’re about to pop the buttons on your shirt, aren’t you? Can’t blame you.” He nodded and walked toward the stage.
Colby sighed in relief. Ever since the officers of the local Cattleman’s Club had told him about the special award at the last monthly meeting, he’d worked hard not to spill the beans about it. Then when she’d gotten in this peculiar mood and wanted to stay home tonight, he’d feared he’d have to tell her. It had been a close call.
He wove his way between couples and zeroed in on his wife where she stood near the refreshment table. Damn, she looked hot. The red gown cupped her generous breasts and skimmed like a glove over her body before flaring out at the knee. No matter how much she’d paid for the dress, it was well worth the cost. She was the prettiest woman here tonight. His woman. And he wanted her out of the dress. He wanted to smooth his hands all over the luscious body that lie beneath all the red fabric.
He walked right into a couple and excused himself, his face burning in embarrassment.
Brandi’s feet hurt. It had been a long time since she’d spent so much time in stilettos. Her feet were going to complain for days. But she’d enjoyed getting to dance again. She’d hadn’t missed a song, spun around the floor with most of their male friends. Colby, though, had steered clear of her and she was a little annoyed by that. She just might have to torment him a good long while later before she let him have his wicked way with her.
She was thinking about a way to torment him when she spotted him heading in her direction. Taller than most of the men, dark hair trimmed, and oh-my-god handsome. Her heart began racing as he drew closer. She caught the faint scent of the musky aftershave he favored and she drew in a deep breath. She tingled all over, warm liquid spreading inside her.
“Got a minute or two for me, sweetheart?” He stopped in front of her, gave her his sexy, crooked grin and looked down her cleavage.
“Stop it.” In retaliation, she made sure he saw her gaze inching down his body, stopping in that certain spot.
He stepped closer and then froze when the music stopped. He heaved a sigh and moved next to her, looking expectant. She followed his gaze to where Henry Johnson stood at the microphone.
“Ladies and gents, I’d like your attention.” He waited until the room quieted down. His wife hurried next to him carrying a plaque of some kind. “We’ve got something special to do tonight. Besides getting tipsy, making fools of ourselves…the usual party stuff.”
He chuckled, as did a lot of the people.
“What’s going on?” Brandi whispered to Colby.
“Something special, just like he said. Listen.” He didn’t look at her, but his chest seemed to swell with… pride? Then he did meet her eyes and it had been a long time since they had shone so bright, with more than love, with definite pride.
Beyond curious, she glanced toward the stage again.
Henry looked around the large room until his gaze landed on Colby. No, he was looking at her. Brandi’s pulse sped up. She couldn’t imagine why he was focusing on her.
“As you all know, Colby Pennington married himself a sweet little accountant. Heck, I doubt if there’s a rancher in this room that hasn’t taken their accounting business to Brandi.”
Her face heated as what seemed like every head in the room turned in her direction. She liked attention sometimes, but this was too much. She inched closer to her husband.
“Hang in there, sweetheart.” He squeezed her hand in reassurance.
“The lady is amazing at figuring problems out. Saved me some serious money this last year, I can tell you that.” Henry nodded at her in acknowledgment.
An echo of “Me toos” drifted around the space.
“Earlier this year our treasurer of many years passed on, leaving us in something of a mess. Evidently he had a rather unique system of his own. There wasn’t a one of us on the board who could figure it out.”
Henry smiled at her again. “Brandi didn’t have to help us. She’s got plenty of accounts to handle without our problem. But she offered to help. Did it and refused to be paid for her work in straightening it all out, too. Told the board, she’d do this as her donation to the club and to the community.”
Her face flamed even hotter. “Colby?” she asked, embarrassed, confused.
He squeezed her hand again.
Henry took the plaque from his wife and held it up. “The board decided we needed to do something for our Brandi, our little accounting angel. So we had a plaque made up. Community Volunteer of the Year.”
He spotted the mayor in the crowd and nodded at him. “Joe Thorndale and the rest of the city leaders thought it was a good idea, too. Since she’s helped them with a few accounting questions this past ye
ar as well.”
He waved toward her. “Come on up here, Brandi Pennington. Come accept our token of gratitude.”
Her stomach fluttered, nerves tingling. “You knew about this, didn’t you?” she whispered in accusation, dreading going up to the stage.
Colby grinned. “Sure did. And I couldn’t be prouder of you.” He nudged her forward.
The crowd parted for her to walk through them. She collected pats on the back and “Congratulations!” as she made her way to the stage. She was pretty sure her face was as red as her dress by the time she stood next to Henry and accepted the plaque. She couldn’t remember ever having made someone think this highly of her. It was humbling.
“This wasn’t necessary,” she said, a bit embarrassed. They waited for more and she sucked up her sudden shyness and said a bit louder, “Not necessary, but I thank you all the same. You have no idea what this means to me.”
Applause exploded around the room. All she could concentrate on, though, was Colby. He stood at the back of the room, grinning his heart out. Of course, she’d make him pay for keeping this secret. She would rather have been forewarned. Still, knowing that he was proud of her meant so much to her. Maybe she was at last becoming a responsible adult. Maybe she really was becoming the wife he deserved.
It took another ten minutes for her to make her way back to him. She’d smiled so much at each offered “Thanks” and “Great job” that her face hurt. She sighed in relief when she reached him.
“You owe me for this little surprise,” she said so only he would hear her, smiling. “I’m going to make you pay. Trust me.”
His eyes darkened. “Later you can do with me whatever you want.” He smoothed a lock of her hair behind an ear. Then his fingers caressed her cheek. “Right now we need to go somewhere private for a few minutes. There's a lounge down the hall.”
She studied his smoldering gaze, trembled. “Are you sure this is a good idea? We could just go home.”
He took her hand and led her to the main doorway, accepting a few more congratulatory comments as he hurried her down the hallway. “Too early for us to leave yet. But this is one of those have to moments. I have to get you alone, get my hands on you.”