Her Cowboy's Way Read online

Page 11

  “This is different, though,” she mumbled, capturing his attention again.

  “Yes.” He had to get a grip on his desire and his body’s longing to….

  “No sense in putting this off any longer.”

  She took hold of the far side of the counter and prepared for what was to come.

  He picked up the spatula and put a hand on her lower back. “You will pay more attention when you drive. You will stay within the speed limits.” He brought the implement down with sharp thwacks over and over on both cheeks, leaving behind small red squares.

  She jerked beneath his hand, fighting to stay in place. “I will!”

  He smacked her several more times and the sound of wood striking flesh circled the room. Her yelps of pain added to it and she danced up on her toes. “How many more?” she gasped, squirming.

  A spanking with the spatula always worked faster than a hand spanking. Already there were numerous red splotches on her butt and he felt the heat rising off her hot flesh. But she wasn’t at the point of acceptance of having done wrong, where she arched her back and cried out her misery. He was ready to be there so they could be finished with this.

  “We’ll see how you are after another six.” He watched her suck in a breath and she grabbed the counter tighter. He would make these next smacks harder, memorable. One of his good friends had died driving recklessly and he had never come to terms with the loss. He’d told her about that when she’d come home with her first warning. She’d promised to never let him go through the experience again because of her.

  It took a couple of minutes to paddle her the six times he had said. They hadn’t been near as easy as the first swats. She’d hissed and wriggled with the first four of this round. She’d arched backward and cried out in misery with each of the last two. He was satisfied, relieved, too.

  He turned to put the spatula in the sink while she remained in place recovering. He grimaced at the sight of the bright red butt and knew she would ache for a while tonight. Better that than her not coming home to him again, than his learning she’d been killed while driving in a non-responsible manner.

  “You can get up now.” He stayed back, although he wanted to hug her. She might not be ready for that yet.

  She eased up and her jeans slid to her ankles, hobbling her. She didn’t seem to care. Her hands shot back to cover her hot bottom and she turned to face him. “I’ll do much better. I promise.”

  He figured she would give it her best effort. “Do that.”

  Unable to resist any longer, he went to her and thumbed away her tears. He gave her a quick kiss before he bent down to help her out of her jeans and panties, instead of making her pull them up. It would be easier on her, harder on him. He would have to watch his precious wife work around the kitchen and sit down to dinner with him while half naked.

  Helping him out a little, she pulled an apron from a drawer and tied it on. She walked carefully to the stove and leaned over to remove the lasagna from the oven. His shaft seemed to triple in size as he stared at her sexy red bottom surrounded by the lacy white apron. He figured he deserved to suffer, too.

  “I’ll get the salad,” he croaked out.

  Spunky woman, she glanced at him and smiled, and he knew she was aware of his problem.

  Brandi wasn’t real happy with her husband, even though she’d deserved the paddling. At least he was experiencing an agony of sorts, too. She’d seen the bulge in his jeans.

  Her bottom did sting something awful, but she would have to live with it. He expected them to eat together even when she got spanked. Not a pleasant event with her squirming on the chair at the table. Again, she’d survive. The sting should fade pretty well by the time the meal was finished. Disciplined or not, she had plans for tonight.

  She sat the lasagna dish on the stovetop to let it cool for a few minutes. Her thoughts drifted to something far more enjoyable than grimacing in discomfort. She hadn’t told Colby everything she’d done in Topeka. Before going there, she’d done a little research on the internet and found a shop that specialized in naughty items and a great deal of fun. He’d enjoyed the cowgirl thing in Vegas—okay, they both had. So he appeared to be up for that kind of pleasurable amusement. She was certainly ready for it. Of course, the night would have been better if she didn’t have a sore bottom to deal with. Oh well, she wasn’t backing down now.

  “Are we having garlic bread, too?” he asked and pulled her back to the moment.

  “It’s already buttered and ready to go in the oven for a few minutes.” But the oven needed to warm up again. She turned it on and went to reach down the counter for the foil-wrapped bread.

  Colby moved behind her, curling an arm around her waist to pull her back against him. She sucked in a breath at the way the rough denim of his jeans rubbed her tender bottom. But she relaxed and enjoyed the feel of his impressive erection pressed close.

  “I’m sure it stings a bit yet, but I just had to snuggle a minute,” he said, his deep voice gruff. “Watching your sweet red ass wiggling around was just too much for me.”

  “You gave me a sound lesson, cowboy.” She gritted her teeth and moved back against him, heard his groan. “That spatula is nasty.”

  He pushed her hair out of his way and kissed behind her ear. “Sweetheart, it was a lesson that had to be taught. How much longer are you going to need…?” He licked her neck with the tip of his tongue, finishing his comment that way.

  She shivered from that spot all the way down to her bare toes. What the hell? So she would be a little uncomfortable because of her sore bottom. The rest of her ached even more for her husband. She nuzzled her butt against him one more time. “Think we could eat dinner later?”

  “Works for me.” He scooped her into his arms and carried her to the bedroom.

  To encourage him to go faster, she whispered naughty things she wanted to do to him and that he could do to her in return. He all but ran up the stairs, wasn’t even winded when they reached the landing.

  The second they were in the bedroom she squirmed until he put her down. She forced all thoughts of her throbbing bottom aside and focused on her plan. “Strip. Now. When I come back into the room, I expect to find you naked and stretched out on the bed.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he answered with a crooked grin.

  She went into the walk-in closet, turned on the light and shut the door. As she pulled off her cropped T-shirt and put on the costume she’d bought today, she heard him undressing, heard the shifting of the bed as he lay down. Her pulse raced in excitement. She hoped he wouldn’t find this ridiculous, that he would play along. He had the last time.

  With a settling breath, she opened the door.

  Colby lay naked on the bed, covers tossed to the end, every inch of his body needing his wife. He had no idea what to expect, but he was up for just about anything. Would she wear the cowgirl outfit again? He damn sure liked it. He liked how she gave her all when she rode him, too. He still remembered her driving them both to the edge, then yelling “Yee haa!” Lord, she’d about done him in that night.

  His cock was already standing up and impatient for attention. He slipped his hand around it, stroked it once. He heard the closet door open and froze.

  Oh. My. Dear. Lord. She walked out wearing the sexiest nurse’s dress he’d ever seen. Her breasts almost fell out of the low neckline. The hardened nipples were visible. A short, flippy skirt showed off her long legs. A little white cap was perched on her head. And she had a fake stethoscope around her neck. When she must have seen approval in his gaze, she did a model’s spin to give him the full effect. Her skirt fluttered up, revealing her pretty red, bare bottom.

  “Dammmmn,” he groaned. “You’re killing me.”

  She preened instead of showing sympathy. With a sexy walk to bring any man to his knees, she strolled next to the bed. She flashed a wicked smile as she focused on his hand still circling his dick.

  “Oh dear, it looks like my patient is suffering. I guess I’ll ha
ve to take care of your…needs. Your special needs.” She licked her lips. “Won’t I?”

  Everything about her was making him crazy. The hot little dress, knowing she had a bare red ass beneath it and nothing more. The promise of something wicked in her blue gaze. And that voice. Seductive, breathless, fantasy enticing. God help him.

  He was ready for her to climb over him. Ready for her to straddle his legs and impale herself on his steel-hard rod.

  Instead she took off the stethoscope and put it on his nightstand. She opened the drawer and her face pinched in distaste as she looked at the implements he kept in there: the worn paddle, a wooden hairbrush, and a leather strop from her father. She pulled out the fuzzy paddle, something they both enjoyed. But she put it back and he experienced a twinge of disappointment.

  Then she lifted out something he’d never seen before, something she must have hidden in there sometime today. She faced him with a tube of something in her hand. “This should help with your problem.”

  His heart raced when she showed him the label: Perky Penis. He swallowed hard. “What… What’s that for?”

  “It’s a special lotion for my exceptional patient. Cherry Sucker flavor.” She removed the cap and smiled. “You know how much I like cherry flavored things. How much I like to suck….”

  Lord a’ mighty, her husky, teasing voice made his struggle for control even harder. “Sweetheart…” Every inch of his body was on high alert. When she licked her lips with the tip of her small tongue, he thought he just might have a heart attack.

  Giving him a devilish look, she poured some of the lotion on her fingers and leaned over him. His gaze locked onto those breasts inches from his face. Her scent was driving him wild. Then she took hold of his shaft with her greased up hand. He about rocketed off the bed at the cool touch, at the way she moved her hand up and down his length.

  “You’re going to feel soooo much better very soon. I’m going to help release all this awful tension in your body,” she purred and stroked him some more. “I’m going to make this pain you’re feeling go away.”

  He couldn’t keep from arching his body upward. Hell, he could hardly breathe. The temptress was enjoying this. He was at her mercy and trying to play along with her game. For now. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could do it. He was sweating; his body was on fire. But she’d gone to so much trouble for this. He had to tough it up and give her a chance.

  She moved her thumb to his sensitized cockhead and circled the very tip with torturous slowness. She continued the circling, moving lower, circling the whole head now, touching the slit at the top with her thumb.

  That was it! He reached for her hand, but she batted his hand away.

  “No, no, no. You mustn’t stop your nurse from taking care of you.” Her gaze danced with playfulness.

  “You’re not taking care of me,” he protested, his face tightening as she began stroking his shaft again. “You’re torturing me.”

  “Well, then,” she said on a sigh, “I guess it’s time for the next part of your healing process.” She lowered her head and licked the side of his cock, along the bulging vein. “Oh, yum.”

  He fisted his hands at his sides. Let her do this! Just a while longer! Come on, you can take this!

  Her mouth engulfed the top part of his cock. The warmth, the moistness, felt good. When she cupped his balls and went down on him even more, he thought he would lose his mind. He groaned, arching his hips upward.

  She pulled her sweet mouth up his shaft, swirled her tongue around the head, concentrated on the slit already leaking pre-cum. Her hand began massaging his balls and she glanced up at him with pure mischief in her gaze. Then she swallowed him once more.

  His hands moved to hold her head in place, desperate. “Best damn nurse ever,” he gasped, struggling for air, sanity.

  She got serious, showed him just how much pain and need he could take before she put him out of his misery. He tried to push her head away when he was about to explode, but she refused to move. She took every last drop of his semen before she pulled her mouth off him and sat back with a Cheshire cat grin.

  “Feeling better, cowboy?” she asked in that seductive tone.

  He couldn’t move, had trouble thinking straight. “Well, damn.”

  She smiled and started taking off her nurse outfit. “For a compliment, that’s pretty sad.”

  He watched her luscious body appear and arousal stirred again. “Give me a few minutes and I’ll show you how much I appreciate your special kind of nursing.”

  She leaned over to reach in the nightstand drawer again, and then pulled out another tube of something. “Got you a tasty treat, too. Chocolate. Want to try it?”

  He was getting harder by the second. He took the tube and grinned. “Lie back, sweetheart, time for my treat.”

  As she spread out before him and he saw the hint of pink from her spanking, he took a second to thank the good Lord she’d come home to him safe and sound. He didn’t think he could live a day without her in it.

  Chapter Eight

  The Cattleman’s Ball

  It had been one of those cold, dreary early November days. Gloomy. Brandi was in a sour mood. She just wanted to stay home tonight, vegetate in front of the TV with a big bowl of chocolate ice cream. She wanted to take a long, hot bath, and she wanted to snuggle next to Colby. Very close, very intimately. But they were supposed to go to the Cattleman’s Club annual ball tonight. She’d attended the ball in the past with her father and had enjoyed it, but tonight she wasn’t in a partying mood. Maybe she had a cold coming on. Maybe she was PMSing. Whatever, she had a serious case of the blahs.

  Determined to try one more time to change her husband's mind about going, she strolled to his home office, where he was working on ranch business. He shut down his computer and looked at her with tired eyes. She hoped that was a good sign for her purposes.

  “Yeah, I know. It’s time to start getting ready.” He sat back in his chair, closed his eyes, and rolled his neck around his shoulders. He’d been sitting in here for a couple of hours bent over the desk. No doubt he was tired and stiff.

  When he focused on her again, she gave him her best seductive smile, even batted her eyelashes. “How about staying in tonight instead? Crawl into bed, share a big bowl of your favorite ice cream.” She licked her lips nice and slow. “Maybe have some fun with chocolate syrup. Sound interesting?”

  “Damn tempting,” he answered in a husky groan. His velvety brown eyes darkened and her hopes rose.

  She perked up and started to turn away. “Great! I’ll go get the chocolate syrup.”

  But he burst her bubble of anticipation. “We’ll have to put the naughty idea on hold for another time, sweetheart. We need to go to the ball.”

  Darn it all! She faced him again with her shoulders slumped. “But chocolate…ice cream…me, naked.”

  Regret flitted over his handsome face, shadowed with daylong beard stubble. He rubbed a hand over his chin as he sometimes did when frustrated. “You’re killing me, Brandi, but we’ve got to go. All of our neighbors will be there. Meaning a lot of your clients, some of the ranch’s clients, too.”

  He shoved back his chair to stand and shook his head when she would have protested. “Not up for discussion. I gave my word that we’d be there. We’re going.”

  When he said something in that manner, there was no changing his mind. His word was important to him. He stood behind it, while she still wanted to waffle a little sometimes when she gave hers. It was one of the issues between them that she was dealing with. In this instance, though, she knew he was right—they needed to attend the ball. Several of her clients had called yesterday to tell her they were looking forward to seeing her and Colby there.

  “You’re right,” she admitted in reluctance. Not only were her clients excited about the ball, but also a couple of their neighbors had called this morning. Something about the calls had seemed a little odd, but she didn’t know why.

  While she mul
led that over, Colby said, “I’m looking forward to seeing you in the new gown. Red, right? Didn’t you say kind of slinky, too?” Heat warmed his eyes again as he waited for her answer.

  She nodded agreement. Yes, she’d bought a new gown for tonight and it hadn’t been cheap. He’d been the one to suggest she get one and he hadn’t cared about how much she spent on it. At the time, she’d been more eager to go shopping than in wondering about this unusual spendthrift side of him. Now she was puzzled. She almost asked him about it, but the anticipation of seeing her all fancied up in his gaze changed her mind.

  “Go on and get changed. I’ll be up in a few minutes.” He reached for his cell phone. “I need to check in with Thad one last time.” He glanced at her before she moved. “Can you put out my suit, too?”

  Even as much she liked seeing her husband all dressed up, she still had trouble working up the enthusiasm for tonight. This wasn’t at all like her. She liked parties, liked wearing new clothes. She just felt off for whatever reason.

  A half hour later Colby had talked to Thad about a problem with one of the horses and changed into his suit. As he stood in front of the dresser tying his tie, frustration curled through him. His wife was trying his patience, mumbling in disgruntlement, but not quite loud enough for him to understand her. Which he figured was for the best. They were going tonight, had to be there. Usually she would be the first one dressed and all but dragging him out the door. Tonight, when it was important that she be there, she decided to get all stay-at-homey. Just thinking about some quality time at home with his naked wife and chocolate…. Yeah, he could imagine all sorts of things he could do with some chocolate syrup.