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Her Cowboy's Way Page 14

  She was heading toward a full-blown panic. He needed to prevent it if he could. As she carried the pot of cranberries to another hot pad, he asked, “What else can I do to help?”

  “You can put those two pumpkin pies in the oven.” She nodded at two cookie sheets with pies sitting next to the stove. “After that, you can go back to watching TV. I’m fine. I’m just going to work on stuffing the turkey.”

  “Your arm?” He glanced in concern, but already he could see the red spots were fading.

  She shook her head. “It’s okay.”

  He put the pies in the oven, watched his wife move to work on the turkey, and walked away, not knowing what else to do. “Call me if you need me.”

  Brandi was relieved when he left the room. She knew he wanted to help her, but she wanted to prove to him and to his family that she was capable of doing this. He worked hard from sun up to sundown, often doing backbreaking work. She ought to be able to handle cooking a few things.

  Okay, she was a little more stressed out than usual because of being behind the schedule she’d set for herself. She didn’t do well under a lot of stress. But she’d get her act together.

  Five minutes later, she sighed and couldn’t stop staring at Big Tom on the counter. The stuffing she’d already mixed up sat in a bowl next to it. She couldn’t make herself jam the bread mixture inside him. Many times in the past she’d helped her aunt with Thanksgiving dinner preparations. She’d watched the older woman do this, thinking nothing of the messy chore. But Brandi had kept her distance from touching the pale looking turkey. She shuddered and not for the first time.

  Knowing she couldn’t keep putting it off, she reached into the bowl and grabbed a handful of spicy cornbread stuffing. It oozed between her fingers. She grimaced. Yuck! Grimacing in distaste, she shoved the handful into the carcass. Yuck! Yuck! Yuck! Then she forced herself to repeat the task over and over. Each time, she hated the feel of the soggy stuffing squeezing between her fingers. The act of putting her arm into the dead bird’s body was making her nauseous. She wasn’t eating any of it!

  The act of stuffing the turkey, the still stinging cranberry burns on her arm, the stress of putting together all those pies, all of it was taking its toll on her. She was failing at this task. Tears trickled down her cheeks. She blinked her burning eyes. But she had to finish this unpleasant chore. Then she needed to check her list, see what needed to be made next. She couldn’t rest until…forever, it seemed.

  She thought she heard footsteps in the hallway, but dismissed the notion. Her focus had to stay on this job. She jammed one last handful of stuffing inside the turkey and breathed a sigh of relief. Then she tied his flailing legs together and stepped back.

  “Okay, big boy, fly yourself right into the roaster.” Of course the twenty-pound turkey just sat there on the counter mocking her. Sucking up her disgust at touching the slimy turkey body, she attempted to lift it and failed. The bird slipped in her arms and almost fell to the floor. “Shit! Shit! Shit!” she yelped, juggling as best she could.

  Colby seemed to appear out of nowhere, thank God. He plucked Big Tom up and planted him in the large electric roaster. Then he turned her to face him, his expression tight as he thumbed tears from her face. “As soon as you finish whatever needs doing to this turkey, you and I are going to have a little discussion.”

  “Discussion?” she asked, half listening.

  “Not so much talking. More a discussion with my hand connecting with your bare butt.”

  Tears continued sliding down her cheeks and she quivered in her exhaustion, tuning him out. Her mind mulled over the menu and she tried to remember if she’d made everything in advance that she could.

  “How early do I need to get up?” she asked, not expecting an answer.

  “Brandi Lynn.”

  She blinked and came back to the moment. He studied her in clear concern. She’d spaced out on whatever he’d said. “What did you want?”

  He shook his head. “You. Upstairs. Five minutes tops.”

  “But I need to…” She saw the grimness in his expression. “You’re going to….”

  “Give you a settling down spanking? Yes.” He went to her and touched her cheek, wiped at the tears again. “After that I’m putting you to bed, too. Putting us both to bed.” He headed out of the kitchen. “Five minutes. We’ve both done too much today.”

  Weariness weighed her down as Brandi climbed the stairs. She didn’t have time to be distracted from all she still needed to get done. Going over her husband’s lap for a spanking would be a definite distraction, in a number of ways. Although she didn’t want a spanking, she realized that she’d needed to get out of the kitchen. It had become her prison. That was all she needed, though, just a few minutes away from her daunting tasks.

  When she walked into the bedroom, she found him sitting on the side of the unmade bed wearing only his undershorts. Her breath caught. One simple look at him did that to her. He was so handsome, so sexy. And he was sitting there watching her with heated eyes. He’d pulled the covers back clearly with the intention of going to bed soon. Delightful magic happened on that bed. Her stomach felt quivery and liquid warmth started moving through her.

  Until her gaze noticed the bedside clock: almost eight o’clock. Panic shoved all thoughts of enjoying her husband far away. She couldn’t go to bed now. She needed to get at least one of the salads put together.

  “Stop thinking about the damn meal. You’ve done enough for the day,” his quiet tone captured her attention. “Come here.”

  She looked at him. His gaze held determination as well as exhaustion. Like her, he had been up before the sun and worked hard all day long. Unlike her, he did this every day. She’d worked this hard barely a couple of days. Guilt for not being able to handle it made her feel ashamed.

  “This isn’t necessary,” she said, “I just needed a few minutes away from the kitchen. I’m better now.”

  He shook his head. “You need more than a few minutes away,” his voice had turned deeper, huskier. He motioned to the short, pink satin and lace nightie he’d laid on the end of the bed. “Get your nightie on, and then come to me.”

  She stared at what he’d chosen for her to wear. He’d gotten the nightgown for her birthday this year. What he liked best about it was taking it off of her. Maybe she didn’t have to rush right back to the kitchen.

  Yes she did! Still, she ached to move her hands over every inch of those work-honed pecs, thread her fingers through the spattering of chest hair.

  “Brandi Lynn.”

  Her pulse racing, she came back from her mental wandering and walked over to pick up the nightgown with shaking hands. She drew in the scent of his arousal, which forced the heat building low in her body to burn hotter. On trembling legs, she went to change clothes in the bathroom.

  It took her a couple of minutes to change and to get some control over her desire. She felt sexy and not as stressed as a few minutes ago. She doubted he intended to give her a disciplinary spanking, since they both knew she hadn’t done anything wrong. He just wanted to take her mind off the craziness of cooking for his family. A warm bottom and at least some snuggling for a bit with him would settle her. He was very good at snuggling.

  Moisture already beading between her legs and anticipation thrumming through her, she walked back into the bedroom. “I’m ready.” As she caught his darkened gaze sweeping over her, she couldn’t be more ready for him.

  He focused on the nipples, which immediately pebbled. “Are you, sweetheart?” He gave her the crooked grin that made her go weak in the knees. “Come here,” his deep voice echoed with desire.

  She couldn’t resist him if she tried, which she didn’t want to. Heart pounding, she went to him. Her palms were sweating. Her lower lips pulsed with yearning. She didn’t resist at all as he guided her over his lap. She slid forward into the familiar position, feeling the satiny gown beneath her stomach and the hardness of his muscled thighs. His hard shaft nudged her side mak
ing her even more aware of him, making her tremble.

  “I really like this little nightie.” He played with the edges of it where it stopped on the middle of her buttocks. Then he smoothed his hand over her bottom. “I like this sweet ass, too.”

  She quivered. In spite of the submissive position, she relished his touch and the gruff way he spoke. When he trailed a finger over the crease of her buttocks, she sucked in a breath and the shivers became more intense inside her.

  He shifted the thin fabric up over her back, but he didn’t lower the skimpy panties. His big hand smoothed over her bottom. She moaned, arched up into his touch. “Oh, cowboy,” she said on a sigh. If he did this much longer, she would beg him for anything…do whatever he wanted.

  “My little wife is struggling today, isn’t she?” He gave her a light swat on one cheek. “She needs her husband to help her, doesn’t she?” He swatted the other cheek just as lightly.

  Brandi pushed back against his hand still lying on her bottom cheek. The swat had served to make her more sexually frustrated. “Yes…struggling, Yes, I need you,” she pleaded, breathless.

  His hand danced against her bottom a few times until she experienced the tiniest sting, until she couldn’t lie still. “I love having this pretty butt over my knee.” Smack. “I love watching it quiver beneath my hand.” Smack. “Letting me do this is such a gift, sweetheart. I treasure it, as much as I do you.”

  She was pulling in short breaths, aching with desperate need. But she heard his words, recognized the honesty in them and his love for her. All of it meant so much. She would always be able to handle life’s problems with Colby at her side. She’d gotten so lucky when he’d chosen her for his wife.

  She craned her head, blew the short hair out of her eyes, and met his gaze. “Thank you.”

  “For what, sweetheart?” His hand smoothed over her bottom again at the same time his erection pressed closer. “I’m the one who is thanking you.”

  She couldn’t seem to find the words to express all that she felt for him, settled on, “For being you.”

  He grinned, studied her for a second. “I think this distraction has helped. You don’t look as panicked.” He eased her legs further apart to stroke her over the moist panties, chuckling when she squirmed and gasped. “Okay, maybe you’re starting to appear panicked in a whole other way.”

  She lowered her head, panting. “I need…I want…Ohhhhhh.” His playful fingers were driving her mad.

  She was about to beg him to make love to her when the oven’s timer dinged loudly through the house. In that instant she drew in the smell of pumpkin pies. Darn it all.

  “I need to take the pies out of the oven.” She attempted to get up.

  He held her in place and sent down a hard smack! “You’re done for the day. I’ll get the pies out.”

  Thoughts of the salads flashed into her mind. “But I need to make a salad.” She wriggled again.

  “Done for the day.” He spanked her once more, but lighter. “All you need to do now is go to bed.”

  It was hard to let go of what she’d planned to get done. It was hard to give up this interesting experience, too. As if he sensed her troubled thoughts, he stroked a long finger between her legs, again. Her thoughts scattered.

  The persistent timer blared on and on. Finally he stiffened and growled, “Damn thing!”

  He set her on her feet, stood, and started out of the bedroom. “Be right back.” He stopped and looked back at her. “Bed. When I come back, I expect to find you in bed. Waiting for me.”

  Seeing the warmth and promise in his eyes, there was nowhere else she wanted to be. With him. For a good long while.


  Brandi felt like a new woman the next morning as she leapt out of bed with the first sound of the alarm. She hurried to grab clothes and dash toward the bathroom. Colby had just managed to turn over, his eyes still closed. She considered dropping the clothes and jumping her delicious husband, but he was worn out. He’d spent a great deal of time distracting her last night…she’d thanked him in so many inventive ways.

  But the real world was back and she still had a lot yet to be done. Doubts swirled through her. How could she get everything done? Her mother-in-law was going to think she was the worst daughter-in-law ever. Maybe she should show her the plaque from the Cattleman’s Club that she’d been awarded earlier this month. Would that impress her?

  She dressed in record time and sped back through the bedroom. All the tension that had plagued her yesterday had returned full force. She flew down the stairs. The turkey. Was it done? Was it too done? Did she need to bake another pie? Were three enough?

  The phone rang at the same time she stepped into the kitchen. A glance at the caller ID warned her it was her in-laws. Her stomach tightened. “Hello,” she answered and prayed they were still several hours away.

  “We should be there within the hour, Brandi,” her mother-in-law said cheerfully. “We’d have been there by now, but Corrie and Sally Ann’s plane was late getting into Kansas City. You remember we’re all driving together from Kansas City, right?”

  “Yes, Dorothy, I remember.” Less than an hour! “I’m looking forward to seeing you all again.” Not exactly a lie.

  A scrambling noise sounded in her ear and Colby picked up on the other house line in the bedroom. “Hi, Mom. Everything okay?”

  Brandi could almost hear the smile in her voice for her oldest son. “We’re all so anxious to see you. See you both.”

  “Looking forward to it, too, Mom. Brandi’s been working like a demon getting the dinner ready.”

  “Whatever she makes will be just fine.”

  Brandi pursed her mouth in annoyance. Her mother-in-law sounded like she didn’t expect much from the meal and was resigned to being disappointed. Before she could say something she’d regret she disconnected on her end.


  After enduring the longest family dinner in history, Brandi forced yet one more plate into the dishwasher and considered demanding a divorce and then moving to Alaska. She’d live the rest of her life as a hermit, maybe in an igloo. Did they have igloos in Alaska? She just wanted to be alone, to never eat turkey again, to never nibble on another piece of pumpkin pie.

  Familiar boot steps interrupted the first blessed moment of silence she’d had since her in-laws arrived four hours ago. She held her breath in anticipation.

  “Mom and Dad are getting ready to go into Topeka. My brothers and Sally Ann are going, too. They’re getting hotel rooms there. Something about not having been invited to stay here.” Colby did not sound at all happy.

  “But they’re coming back later, to eat leftovers, right?” She poured detergent into the dishwasher and turned it on. She was looking forward to a few free hours.

  Colby walked closer and turned her to face him. “What did you say to them?”

  She stiffened. “I didn’t say anything. I assumed they were staying with us, assumed you asked them. They’re your relatives, you know.” She thought the meal had gone alright, thought she’d made some progress with her in-laws. Now this.

  “Mom seems to think they’re not welcome. She thinks you and I are having some problems, since you were rather tense during dinner.” His eyes sparked with annoyance.

  Defensive, she raised her chin. “Tense? Hmmm, let me think why that might have been. Oh, I know. Your mother doesn’t like me. I’m not perfect like your sister-in-law. I can’t cook like your mother, make everything just the way her precious son likes it.” Tears misted her eyes. She’d tried, she really had.

  His mother stepped into the doorway and Brandi was certain the older woman had heard what she’d said. Her face flamed.

  To her surprise, Dorothy rushed across the kitchen to step between her and Colby. Her mother-in-law’s eyes glistened with tears and she pulled Brandi into her arms. She almost hugged the breath out of her. “Oh, sweetie, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for you to feel that way.”

  “Mom, she’s just tired. S
he didn’t mean what she said.” Colby’s glance at Brandi warned that there might be an appointment with his hand in her near future.

  Dorothy looked at her son in clear disapproval. “Of course she’s tired. She’s been cooking for two days and trying her best to impress her mother-in-law.” She set Brandi back, still holding onto her. “Until you said those things to my son, I’d forgotten all about how I once felt the same way. For years, Conrad’s mother had me trembling in my shoes every time I was even near her. My husband was an only child…and talk about spoiled.”

  “I’m sorry.” Brandi’s face was so hot. “Please don’t go to a hotel. We’ve got plenty of room.” Had she been over-reacting? She’d just been so nervous about this dinner.

  “Of course they’re going to stay here,” Colby stated like there was no question about it, although he didn’t sound as angry now.

  Dorothy released Brandi and shook her head. “No, I believe you newlyweds need your privacy. And your brothers think so, too. Corrie in particular thinks so.”

  She winked at Brandi. “Sally Ann may have had something to do with his decision. I heard her whispering what I’m pretty sure was something suggestive in his ear. I think it had to do with needing privacy themselves that they sure wouldn’t get here with so much family around. He got her a room with a big whirlpool tub.” She blushed. “Well, they haven’t been married long, either.”

  Now Colby’s expression appeared uncomfortable. Too much knowledge of something personal, Brandi was sure. It made her smile.

  “You and Dad, and Chad are welcome to stay here. Let Corrie and Sally Ann go to the hotel,” Brandi said, offering her olive branch again.

  Conrad walked into the room, focused on his wife with pure adoration in his eyes. “About ready to go, Dot? Turns out the hotel had two of those rooms with the fancy tub. I’m thinking…”

  Brandi watched Colby’s face burn red and he looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here hearing about the possibility of his parents sharing that kind of tub. Of course, she understood. This wasn’t the kind of thing you wanted to think about your parents doing. Still, it gave her hope that Colby would be thinking such naughty thoughts for many years to come.